Broken Intuition

A digital garden by Matt Owens

Including Audiobooks


Until today I hadn’t included audiobooks I listened to in my reading list. While I gather it is a hotly contensted question whether listening to audiobooks counts as reading, I never had strong opinions about it. I didn’t include them mostly because I didn’t listen to them that often, but I guess I also considered listening a different activity. That was probably because most of my non-music listening was podcasts rather than books. However, why wouldn’t I include them in my reading list? Although I mentioned some minor gamification in my Why I Track My Reading post, I don’t have a set number of books I’m aiming for so it’s not like I could use audiobooks to cheat. I’m using this as a place to talk about books and keep track of the ones I’ve read so I’ve decided it doesn’t matter what format that book comes in. This will be especially relevant for The Murderbot Diaries because I listened to the first book, but might get a paper copy of the next one from the library depending on when it’s available again. In the end, including audiobooks in my reading list only added 3 books to the list since I started keeping track.