Here is a list of the books I’ve read. Starting in 2022, the list is complete. Prior to that, I’ve added books from memory, so details may be missing.
Here is a list of the books I’ve read. Starting in 2022, the list is complete. Prior to that, I’ve added books from memory, so details may be missing.
Rather than taking over the world, the robots in this world decided they’d had enough of humanity and went off to live in the woods. This book follows a monk named Sibling Dex, who goes into the woods to find some meaning missing in their life and meets a robot instead. They travel together an discuss their lives and the search for meaning. I enjoyed this a lot, especially after reading a Murderbot book, which shows a very different relationship between humans and sentient robots. This was thought-provoking and I’m looking forward to reading the next in the series.
A Short Stay in HellA Mormon man dies and wakes up to discover he is in the intake office of a Hell from a religion he’s never heard of. He is placed in a Hell made up of a library that contains every possible book of a particular length and its occupants must find the book that exactly tells the story of their life to be granted passage to heaven. The book shows the man’s daily life in the search of his book and relationships and communities that formed in Hell. This was an interesting view of a Hell based on something other than physical pain. I didn’t find it as profound or moving as some of the reviews I read, but I enjoyed it. It’s very short, so it’s not a big commitment to read.
Halfway to BetterHalfway to Better is a collection of hopeful climate short stories that showed a few different perspectives of what the near future could look like. We see ecologists on the bottom of the ocean, scavangers in a wealth-controlled city, and a sci-fi Rapunzel retelling. I enjoyed them all, and the author sold her leftover stock of signed copies at-cost, which was extremely kind of her.
Network EffectMore Murderbot is always a good thing. I loved Network Effect as much as the first four books. It was great to see some characters again and the problem of this story was interesting. I love reading Murderbot process new emotions and particulalry enjoyed it not understanding human adolescents. I read this one on paper, where I had listened to the first four. I think I like the audiobooks better, just because Kevin R Free’s performances are incredible.
The Long Way to a Small, Angry PlanetI’ve never read anything considered cozy sci-fi before, but this book might get me to add some more to the list. I needed an audiobook while painting and I had just read A Psalm for the Wild-Built and was excited to try something else by Bekcy Chambers. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet follows the interspecies crew of a tunneling spacecraft on a yearlong journey. There’s a lot of really interesting race and gender stuff and some talk about personhood. What got to me the most about this book is how deeply kind the characters are. The journey is the good part with this book, which may be offputting for people who are looking for action, but I loved it. I’ve already put in an inter-library loan request for the second one because my library doesn’t have the audiobook.
The ServiceberryAfter reading Braiding Sweetgrass I was so excited to see something else by Dr. Kimmmerer. Braiding Sweetgrass changed my view of the world and The Serviceberry zooms in on the idea of reciprocity. It’s a call to action to recognize places where reciprocity exists in the natural world and push for incorporating it into human society. It’s short and approachable and a nice reminder to look for ways to improve the world.
The Sunlit ManMy brother suggested I read the Sunlit Man before starting Wind and Truth and I enjoyed it. It was interesting reading more direct discussions of the Cosmere and Investiture since most of the other books I’ve read so far are more vague about it. It was fun trying to figure out which Stormlight character Nomad is. The standalone Cosmere books are always fun and this was no exception.
The second Teixcalaan book picks up several months after, but closely tied to the events of A Memory Called Empire. We get to see the impact of the events of the previous book as well as a few new POV characters. I can’t say much about the plot without spoiling parts of the first book, but I will say it expands on the story well. I enjoyed this just as much as the first book, maybe more. The writing in this book is excellent. For example, there’s a scene that’s an argument between two characters which felt so incredibly real. It was so easy to understand why both characters were upset and buy into their emotional stakes. I enjoyed the lead up to the ending of the book, although the final resolution felt a little forced to me. I’ll definitely pick up any future books in this series.
A Memory Called EmpireI cannot say enough good things about A Memory Called Empire. An ambassador from a small space station is summoned to the empire and has to navigate politics, investigating her predecessor’s death, and her own love of the culture of an empire threatening to consume her people. The development of the culture of the empire was fascinating and I loved how this was a sci-fi book where the technology was vitally important, but not the focus of the text. I loved the characters and the many layers of politics involved in everything that happened in the book. I enjoyed it enough that I bought and read the second book in the series immediately.
All Systems RedAll Systems Red is the first novella in the Murderbot Diaries, the journal of a part-organic, part-robot SecUnit charged with protecting a team of researchers surveying an unknown planet even though it would much rather be watching soap operas. This was really entertaining and mixed some funny story with real questions of the personhood of this construct. I think the audio format was great for this and the narrator, Kevin R. Free, gave an excellent performance. I’ll probably aim for the audio versions of the rest of the series depending on what I can get from the library.
Artificial ConditionArtificial Condition picks up right after the events of All Systems Red, with the SecUnit searching for answers about its past. We get to meet a new bot character ART, who I loved, and the other new characters are interesting too. I think this does a good job of having a self-contained story while still advancing the progress of the series. I enjoyed the first book slightly more, but I’m excited to get to the rest of the series.
Before the Coffee Gets ColdThis was the book that prompted my friend to start her book club. In this coffee shop, time travel is possible but there are some very strict rules. The book is four stories that are related but each focus on different characters. I enjoyed it overall and it was really interesting looking at time travel with such rigid constraints, especially right after reading another time travel book. There were a lot of things that seemed central that aren’t addressed in the book which was somewhat unsatisfying.
Black Girl White GirlThis book is not good. It’s supposedly about the relationship between two college freshman roommates, one who is Black and one who is white. Instead it is about the white character’s obsession with her roommate (because she is Black and different!) and her own processing of her privileged upbringing and her relationship with her radical activist father. This feels like the author set out to write a book about racism that just comes across as racist because of some of the descriptions of the Black character, the narrator’s obsession with her, and the fact that she is actually pretty irrelevant apart from being a catalyst for the white character’s personal growth. I struggled through this hoping it would get better, but it never did.
Braiding SweetgrassThe author is a Potawatomi woman and ecologist. In Braiding Sweetgrass she gives us a collection of essays that are equal parts history, ecology, and personal stories. She presents a worldview that combines Indigenous teaching on the relationship between humanity and the rest of the natural world with Western scientific thought. This book teaches the importance of reciprocity with nature and gratitude for the many gifts our world gives us. Her writing is beautiful and thought provoking and I would recommend this book to everyone. As an aside, the physical book was printed on recycled paper and it feels really nice in my hands.
ChangerChanger is the first book in Matt Gemmell’s KESTREL series, a series of thrillers centered on a European special forces unit. They are tasked with investigating a secret research project that has gone awry and save Europe from near-certain destruction. The book is exciting throughout and I really enjoyed the main conflict and sci-fi elements. I enjoyed it enough that I’m probably going to read the other two in the series immediately.
DiavolaI picked this up from a recent horror Humble Bundle. I don’t read much horror, but enjoyed this a decent bit. The narrator is on vacation with her family at a villa in Italy. Her family is incredibly frustrating and refuses to believe the house is haunted. This was enjoyable to read and was somewhat spooky without being outright scary.
EdgedancerEdgedance is a novella set between the second and third Stormlight books. I enjoyed it enough, although I’m not a huge fan of the character it follows. There was some good development of the world.
ElantrisI wanted to read Elantris before Wind and Truth came out, just to get some more Cosmere under my belt. It was good, but it’s very obvious it was his first published book. Some of the writing is not great. I enjoyed the idea of knowing the magic exists, but not seeing it through most of the book because it was somehow broken. The world was interesting and I enjoyed most of the characters. The tenth anniversary edition also has a few deleted scenes in an afterward, which were interesting to read. It’s always cool to me getting to see earlier drafts and how a story changed through revisions.
Exit StrategyThe four-book arc of Muderbot novellas ends in spectacular fashion. Murderbot sets off to bring the evidence it gathered on Milu to Dr. Mensah and discovers, as usual, everything got worse. It had some great moments discussing personhood and free will and it was beautiful to see the respect Dr. Mensah and the others have for Murderbot. I love this series and have already bought the next book.
Gone for GoodA man’s world is turned upside down when he finds evidence his brother, who disappeared after being accused of murder over a decade ago, may still be alive and his girlfriend disappears at the same time. Like most of Harlan Coben’s books, this a complicated mystery with multiple twists. It picks up quickly and is intriguing and intense the whole way through, which I enjoyed. This was especially interesting because I’m pretty sure I’ve read this before but I didn’t remember any of the details, so the entire time what I was reading felt familiar but I still didn’t know what was coming next.
Happy PlaceMy wife recommended I read this since I enjoyed Book Lovers and it was worth reading, but had some serious issues. A group of friends is on their last vacation together at a house they’ve been going to for years and one couple has secretly broken up. It apparently threatens to break up the entire friend group, which requires a lot of suspension of disbelief. These characters are supposed to be around 30, but they really acted like children which was very annoying.
I Am Not a Serial KillerJohn Cleaver is obsessed with serial killers and follows a strict set of rules to prevent himself from turning into one. Following his rules becomes impossible after a series of murders in his town. I don’t think I’ve read any horror before this, but I wanted to read some of Wells' work after listening to him on Writing Excuses and Intentionally Blank. I thought the premise of this book was fascinating and it followed through well.
JINXIn my opinion, JINX is the weakest of the three books in the KESTREL series. To explain, I’m going to include spoilers. This is partly an issue with my own interest, because I couldn’t get into the premise of a classified Artificial General Intelligence escaped from the lab and started killing people. I enjoyed the discussion of privacy and the dangers of automated systems, but I don’t enjoy the AGI angle. The story was interesting enough and it was good to get more of the characters' stories, although Aldridge was getting on my nerves a bit. I still enjoyed it for the most part, but found the ending unsatisfying.
Nothing is PromisedThis is really four books (When You Had Power, You Knew the Price, Of Kindness and Kilwattes, and Yet You Cry When It Hurts), but I’m listing it as one because they’re very tightly connected and I read them back to back. A power engineer discovers sabotage against the power grid fights to uncover its source, leading to a secret power source which would revolutionize world politics. The first three are novellas and the fourth is a novel that finsihes the overarching story. I was initially frustrated by the format, because the books don’t stand alone. The ending of each answers some questions but introduces the next action rather than wrapping the story. Reading the entire series I actually really liked the structure, partly because it would’ve been difficult to do any other way. Each book has a different POV character and each one also expands the scope. The first book is a single power island, the second the power company in southern California, leading to the whole world by the fourth book. Accomplishing that without separating the stories into multiple books wouldn’t have worked as well.
OathbringerOathbringer is phenomenal. The first two Stormlight Archive books feel like a unit and this one expands from that storyline into a much bigger understanding of the world. Dalinar’s flashbacks are excellent and provide a ton of detail for the broader story. I’m really enjoying learning more about the Radiants.
OrbitalOrbital is a slice of life aboard the International Space Station on one of its last missions. It’s a love letter to humanity, Earth, and the wonder of space exploration. The writing was often beautiful and I enjoyed the recognition of how mundane life in space can be even though it is so extraordinary. Overall it was worth reading, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
Paved ParadisePaved Paradise starts with a simple premise: every car trip starts and ends in a parking space. From there, the author discusses the history of automobile-driven design and how finding places to put all of those cars has driven the last century of design in the US. This book is fantastic and really highlights how utterly unhinged it is that there are so many parking spaces for every car in the US and most of them sit empty. It highlights the social and political forces that drive the parking-based design and steps people are taking to take back cities from cars. I’d highly recommend this book.
Rhythm of WarI started Rhythm of War right after finishing Oathbringer, which was different. I’ve always taken a break and read something else between Sanderson books. It was nice getting to continue the story immediately. Overall I enjoyed this, but I think it’s my least favorite of the Stormlight Archive books. I loved Kaladin, Shallan, and Adolin’s character development and Navani had some great moments as well, but I didn’t really enjoy Venli as the flashback character. Apart from some hints at the greater Cosmere, I don’t think we got as much out of the flashbacks because so much of the listeners' story was captured in Words of Radiance. I enjoyed being able to pick up on references to other Cosmere works and I’m looking forward to reading more and seeing how they fit together.
Rogue ProtocolThe third book of the Murderbot Diaries is excellent as usual. Murderbot goes to an abandoned terraforming facility for some intelligence gathering against GrayCris and is entangled with a group of humans studying the facility. I didn’t get as attached to the other human characters in this one the way I did in the first two, but the new bot character is excellent.
Sea of TranquilityThis is a time travel science fiction book set in the early 1900s, roughly present-day, and a few hundred years in the future. I found it a little difficult to get into because I don’t enjoy the early 1900s character as much, but it picked up well in the other time periods. I really enjoyed parts of the narrative and how the story wrapped up in the end, but I had some issues with suspension of disbelief with the pandemic in the future timeline. This was was written in 2020 and is definitely a reflection of that, so it was difficult for me to believe a pandemic two hundred years later would look exactly the same.
Self-Editing for Fiction WritersThis was an excellent guide to the editing process filled with before and after examples of specific topics to target when editing fiction. There are also good exercises at the end of each chapter which ask the reader to edit a passage and then shows what the authors would have changed. I read this while editing a short story I was working on, which was a fun experience. It’ll be worth re-reading over the years as I keep writing and editing my fiction.
Starter VillainA former journalist finds out his rich uncle has passed away and left him the businesses, both legitimate and not. He’s thrown into the deep end of villainy and has to figure out how to survive. This book is hilarious and a quick read. I’d definitely recommend it.
Th1rt3enThe premise of Thirteen is a serial killer is on the jury for the trial of a murder he committed. The book club I’m in picked this as our next book and I thought it sounded interesting. It took me a while to get into it, but the payoff was good. It’s a pretty standard thriller so I got what I expected out of it. If you like thrillers and courtroom dramas it’s a good choice.
The Calculating StarsThe Calculating Stars is an alternate history of human spaceflight. A meteorite strikes just off the US east coast, destroying most of the eastern states, setting off irreversible climate change and a push to outer space. Elma York, a WASP during the war, works as a computer for the International Aerospace Coalition, fights for women to be included in the astronaut corps. I thought this book was excellent. The premise was interesting and well thought out, and it highlighted the race and gender issues well. I’ll definitely pick up the rest of the series.
The Fated SkyThe second Lady Astronaut book is just as good as the first. It takes place several years after the first book and the jump to being fully established in space and reaching toward Mars was enjoyable. There was some good development in the relationships between the characters. Since this is first person, we only get to see information that was sent to the Mars expedition or in the newspaper clippings at the start of each chapter, which was a cool limitation. My only complaint was there was some things that felt rehashed from the first book, mostly Elma meaning well and trying to help, but making things worse.
The Giver QuartetThis is really four books - The Giver, Gathering Blue, Messenger, and Son, but I bought a combined version so I’m treating them as one. I read The Giver in middle school and then again in college when the (awful) movie came out. I loved it so much the second time I immediately read Gathering Blue. This time around, I loved reading The Giver just as much as I had the previous times, although I remembered absolutely nothing from the second book. The third and fourth books are also very good. It was enjoyable to see more of the world and how each of these societies functions. Although each of the books could stand alone, they gain so much as a unit. There were several instances in the series where I wanted a little more explanation of why things were happening the way they were, but that didn’t take much away. I’m sure I’ll read these again at some point.
The Golden SpoonThe Golden Spoon is billed as a murder mystery in a fictionalized Great British Bake Off and it started off promising. I enjoyed the characters and the beginning of the story, but I think the pacing wasn’t great. In the end, the B plot held my interest more than the main murder. I’m not disappointed that I read it, but I wouldn’t recommend it either.
The Great GatsbyFor a while I’ve wanted to re-read books I read in school to see if I got more out of them and this was the first one I picked. I despised this book in high school. I didn’t understand why people liked it. This time, I read it in one day in airports and on planes and I loved it. It’s surprisingly funny at times and I was captured by what terrible people the characters are. It was an interesting experience for me because I really didn’t get it the first time I read the book but found plenty of meaning that was easy to grasp this time around. I think that means I’m getting better at reading critically, which is pretty cool.
The Last Thing He Told MeThis was another book club book and it was pretty good. A woman’s husband vanishes when his employer is raided by the FBI and she (along with her stepdaughter who doesn’t like her very much) has to find him. I didn’t love some of the writing style, but overall it was pretty interesting and I enjoyed seeing how the story unfolded.
The Midlist Indie Author MindsetThorn presents a way to think about making a career out of being an indie writer, with lessons learned from their successes and approaches that didn’t work out. The main idea is that building a sustainable writing career is a slow process and depends on writing and pubilshing, so each writer need to find what process works for them and do what keeps them writing and publishing. There’s a ton to think about and I think I’ll keep revisiting this book if I want to take a writing hobby and try to make a business out of it.
The Order of TimeThis book breaks down how what we think of as time, a fundamental thing that flows constantly from past to future, always advancing at the same rate, does not really exist. The language we use to describe time, things like ‘current time’, have no meaning on the scale of the universe. It describes how the nature of uncertainty makes such language inadquate. The final part of the book builds back up an explanation of what we perceive as time - that the events the make up change of low entropy to higher entropy leave behind traces and those traces make up our memory which constitutes our observation of time. It was realy fascinating and mostly over my head, but very enjoyable to read anyway.
The Relentless MoonI was surprised because I didn’t realize this book wasn’t in Elma’s POV, but Nicole is a great character and I ended up loving this. We get to see a different perspective of events on Earth and the Moon which are mentioned in The Fated Sky, which had a great effect because I knew parts of what was coming, but not how they would manifest. Solving a mystery on the moon was great and as usual the focus on character and highlighting injustice was there. I love this series and will have to get the next book when it comes out next year.
The Staff Engineer's PathI’m not at the staff engineer point in my career, but I picked up this book after a conversation with my manager about my career goals and expressing my desire to be a technical leader rather than a people manager. This book is an excellent view into what the individual contributor job looks like at higher levels. It explains how to find ways to work effectively in your organization and amplify your impact, as well as managing your own career goals. Even though I’m not in a staff engineer role, I found a lot of what this book talks about directly applicable to my own work. There’s so much useful information in here that I’ll read it several more times over the course of my career.
The Three Body ProblemI borrowed this from the library because the Netflix show was popular and I heard the book was way better than the American adaptation. The Three Body Problem starts during the Cultural Revolution and bounces between then and present day, following a secret military base and an apparent attack on scientists. The only answers can be found in a video game Three Body about the growth and destruction of civilizations in a hostile world. Overall I enjoyed the book. I think the premise was really interesting and the scenes set in the Cultural Revolution were excellent. Some of the science was a little eyebrow raising at times and sometimes the pacing was pretty slow, with long infodumps. Parts of the book read like a history book, which I suspect is intentional. Some of the dialogue seemed very awkward, but I assume that’s an artifact of translation (the translator’s note mentions trying to capture Chinese speech patterns in English). Most of what I’ve read was originally published in English so I don’t have much experience with translations. I enjoyed it and will probably read the rest of the trilogy at some point.
This Is How You Lose The Time WarThis Is How You Lose The Time War is an epistolary novellla following two agents on opposite sides of a war through time to shape the outcome of the universe. I picked it up because the Writing Excuses podcast is doing a close reading of it. The beginning is somewhat confusing because much of the world is not explained directly, but the story quickly becomes engrossing. The writing is beautiful, if a little flowery at times. I normally listen to audiobooks while I’m cleaning and I discovered with this book I can’t do that when the writing is more complex and I need to pay closer attention. I loved this and will probably read the text version at some point.
TollIn the second KESTREL book the team faces another world-altering challenge. This book focuses on the seemingly inevitable horrors of climate change and radical attempts to address it, which was a good setting for an action story. It was fun to see more of the characters from the first book and get development in their stories. The villain was a great character because he isn’t just moustache-twirling evil, he has understandable motivations and the consequences of his actions weigh on him. I’m looking forward to book three.
Words of RadianceWords of Radiance is an excellent continuation of the Stormlight Archive. It doesn’t have the slow start Way of Kings does because it doesn’t need to do so much introduction. It was great to get a better understanding of what was going on and follow the character development.
YellowfaceI really wanted to like Yellowface but struggled with it. A white woman steals her dead Chinese friend’s manuscript and passes of as somewhat ambiguously Asian in order to get famous. I liked a lot of the critique of the publishing industry and the discussions of diversity and racism. I feel like the book would’ve been more impactful if the narrator had any redeeming qualities. I know the reader is supposed to hate her, but she is so awful she just comes across like a cartoon villain. The story is also very repetitive, which made it difficult to get through the whole thing. There were several hours of just waiting for her career to fall apart and several of the repetitive scenarios could’ve been combined to make it more concise.
Zero DaysZero Days is about a husband and wife pentesting team. After a job, he’s murdered and she becomes the prime suspect. I DNF’d this about a quarter of the way through because I couldn’t get into it. The premise sounded interesting but the descriptions of the tech parts seemed forced and the plot was only advancing because the main character kept doing things that she knew were poor decisions but she made them anyway. I read a summary of the rest of the book and I’m happy I didn’t finish it.
A Wizard of Earthsea is the origin story of a young wizard. As I had heard before reading, the prose is fantastic. The author perfectly captures the voice of telling a folk tale, which was very enjoyable. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy this as much as I’d hoped. I didn’t get drawn into the world or connect much with the events of the story.
Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce RacismThere are many resources talking about the various societal ills fueld by big tech, but this is the first I’ve read looking at it from a Black feminist perspective. It details how systemic racism is replicated online and how search and information retrieval systems, primarily Google Search, are not objective, neutral pieces of technology. This was very interesting and I’d recommend it to anyone interested in the place of tech companies in society.
Book LoversI don’t normally read romance, but I like to add some variety and my wife said I would enjoy this one. It takes the Hallmark style trope of someone going from the big city to visit a small town and falling in love, leaving the partner behind and taking the perspective of the partner left in the city. It’s really funny, which I enjoyed.
Children of DuneChildren of Dune shows us Arrakis after Paul Muad’Dib. I loved it. It’s even more complex than the first book and it was fascinating to read. I’ve heard many people say the books after this get weird, but I think it starts with this one. The exploration of the twins' ancient consciousness is pretty out there. I’m not going to read the next few books immediately because I want to read other things but I’m really happy to have read the first three and will probably pick up the others at some point.
City of LightCity of Light wraps up the Traveler’s Gate trilogy nicely. The problem set up in The Crimson Vault comes to the forefront and we get to see the characters we’ve been following since the first book figure out how to deal with it. There was a lot of good action in this one. The trilogy isn’t my favorite, but overall I think it was worth reading.
Creating Short FictionI’ve been dabbling in writing fiction this year and this was a good introduction to the process of writing short stories. It gave me a lot to think about and try to apply surrounding story structures and the writing process. The exercises in the book look useful, although I haven’t attempted any of them yet.
Dark One: ForgottenThis is an audio drama, which was a new format for me. It is set up like a true crime podcast, in which a college student is investigating a cold-case murder of a woman nobody can remember. I enjoyed both the story and the audio drama format.
DuneDune is a sci-fi classic of a feudal dispute over a desert planet known as the only source of a valuable psychedelic drug. It took me a while to read because I went on a vacation in the middle and didn’t take it with me, but it was so worth the wait. The depth of the world and peoples in Dune are amazing and I loved the attention to detail in the cultural and ecological aspects of the book. The style of political drama with most of the violence off-screen even though there’s a war going on is great. I’ll definitely be reading the next few books in the series.
Dune MessiahThe sequel to Dune takes a massive departure from the tone of the first book. In the first book it’s easy to see Paul as the hero, but after 12 years of an interstellar jihad he seems powerless to stop, it’s difficult to see him in a positive light. The main plot is a conspiracy to dethrone Paul, mixed with Paul’s concerning visions of the future. I think this was every bit as good as the first one and I’m looking forward to the next book.
Everything I Never Told YouI read this because of how much I enjoyed Little Fires Everywhere, but didn’t get into it very much. It was worth finishing, but I found the writing frustrating because of how quickly she changed perspectives and didn’t find the plot and character development as compelling. The ending seemed to come out of nowhere and fell flat for me.
House of BladesHouse of Blades is the first book in Will Wight’s trilogy The Traveler’s Gate, along with The Crimson Vault and City of Light. (Note: I’m writing the reviews for the whole trilogy at once, so I’m comfortable being a little more harsh about the first book given I still read the other two and liked them.)
The world and magic are really interesting, but as a self-contained story, this book is not very good. Most of the book is introducing characters and worldbuilding, with a bland plot tying it together. Several of the characters (including ones I liked in the subsequent books) are pretty obnoxious and behave in nonsensical ways to drive the plot. It does have some good parts: the magic system where individuals can call powers from outside territories into the world is really intreresting, and it does a good job of setting up the story for the next two books. Despite this not being very good on its own, I would recommend it to get into the rest of the story.
How Not to Hate Your Husband After KidsMy partner and I don’t have kids, but we’d like to so I figured I’d read this to prepare for the future. The author recognizes the ways her relationship with her husband wasn’t working after they had a child and they go on a journey to fix those problems. The book looks at the ways both men and women reinforce traditional gender roles, how relationship dynamics change after having kids, and strategies for addressing the rampant lack of men contributing to their households. Although the title indicates a book for new (or expecting) mothers, this should be required reading for new dads too to help them get in the right mindset for a positive relationship.
How to Be Comfortable with Being UncomfortableConfronted with debilitating anxiety and panic attacks, the author decides to confront these by completing challenges that put him in uncomfortable situations to train his mind to push through adversity. The book discusses some elements of Buddhism, Stoicism, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a guide for how to handle difficult situations. The narrative was interesting but I skimmed a lot of the challenges because I had no interest in attempting them. I took a cold shower last night, but don’t think I’ll be attempting more.
Iron WidowThere was a lot of hype for Iron Widow and it absolutely lives up to it. It tells the story of a girl rebelling against a deeply sexist society in the middle of a mecha war in which the male pilots are heroes and girls are continually sacrificed to keep the mechs running. The characters are interesting, there are strong anti-sexist and anti-capitalist themes, and the battle scenes were entertaining without drawing attention from the horrors of the system the main character fights against. I noticed some similarities to The Hunger Games, but didn’t think that detracted from the book overall.
Lassoing the SunThe author is a newspaper writer who gets a grant to take a year off and write about his experience with America’s national parks. He spends a few weeks in a different park each month, all while processing his mother’s terminal diagnosis and death. This book was both a love letter to the national park system and a look into his experience processing the loss of his parents. I really enjoyed this one.
Little Fires EverywhereThis is a great story looking at life in an idyllic American suburb when things aren’t so great. It touches on a lot of issues and handles them in a compelling way. The themes are all there without getting in the way of an interesting plot.
Looking for AlaskaI wanted to spread out the John Green more, but my hold from the library came up sooner than expected so I read this shortly after Paper Towns. Looking for Alaska follows a group of students at a boarding school in Alabama. Like many other coming of age novels it touches on relationships between teenagers (romantic and other). Grief is a major focus of the second half of the book and I think it’s presented well. I’m happy I read these books in the order I did. I enjoyed Paper Towns, but if I hadn’t read it first I would have been annoyed because it feels like a worse retelling of Looking for Alaska.
Meditation for Fidgety SkepticsThis book serves as an introduction to meditation with a frame story of ABC journalist Dan Harris, meditation teacher Jeff Warren, and the team at 10% Happier going on a national tour trying to introduce meditation to the masses. It focuses on benefits of meditation and addressing barriers individuals face in establishing a regular practice. It was helpful in recognizing meditation doesn’t need to be a big deal to be beneficial. The example meditations were useful. I picked this up because I’ve been having trouble focusing my thoughts and keeping my mind from racing when I’m going to sleep. Ive just started meditation while reading the book, so I’ll see if I find benefits moving forward.
Nine Perfect StrangersThis one really didn’t land for me. The start is extremely slow because there are so many characters to introduce and you’re halfway through the book before anything really happens. The middle section of the book has some interesting plot and character development that slightly redeems it, but the main plot just ends like the author didn’t feel like coming up with an ending. I thought the book would be over at that point, but there were still 30 pages of followup on the characters that didn’t relate to anything else in the story.
On Writing WellThis is a good introduction to the craft of writing non-fiction. There’s a lot of good advice on language use in general and Zinsser’s writing style is very entertaining. There are a few chapters specific to different types of writing that didn’t apply to me, but were still worth reading.
OrconomicsOrconomics is a fantasy satire set in a DnD type world, where a whole economy popped up surrounding adventurers fighting monsters and bringing back loot. It’s a funny criticism of big business and racist structures in society. It wasn’t as good as I’d hoped from the description and comments I’d seen on Reddit, but I enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to reading the second book of the trilogy.
Paper TownsI decided to read more of John Green’s books after loving The Fault in Our Stars. I read this in one sitting in a few hours and enjoyed it. The story is entertaining and I spent a decent amount of the book chuckling at how dumb teenagers can be. Green says the book is a deconstruction of the manic pixie dream girl trope but I don’t feel like it actually achieves that. It’s certainly not an egregious example of the trope because the girl in question has some depth, but the narrator has the personality of a paper bag, which really doesn’t help the author’s case. I still think it was worth reading, but it’s not great.
Racing to the FinishFormer NASCAR driver turned commentator Dale Earnhard Jr. tells the story of the end of his driving career with a focus on his experience with concussions. He explains the crashes that caused the concussions, the symptoms he experienced, and his recovery with Dr. Micky Collins and the UPMC Sports Medicine Concussion Program. The level of detail is incredible, including daily notes he took on what he did and what symptoms he felt. This was a fascinating read and I think would appeal to a much broader audience than just NASCAR fans.
Shock WaveAnother installment of the many adventures of nautical Indiana Jones. This was a fun one. It’s also the second of Cussler’s books centered around how awful the diamond industry is, so I’m getting the impression this guy really didn’t like diamonds. This one did stand out a bit from the rest of Cussler’s books in that there’s some interesting character stuff with the protagonist that makes him seem a little more human than normal.
Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real ProductivityI picked this up because I had wanted to read something about productivity and my library hold on another book hadn’t come up yet. The book is a series of stories about people and organizations who are exceptionally productive. The first few chapters dealt with psychological safety in the workplace, which was pretty interesting, but the later chapters didn’t seem to have much to do with the earlier ones and I didn’t find the stories as compelling. I wouldn’t recommend this one.
The $100 StartupI think I’ve read this before, but I’ve had business on the mind recently so I decided to go through it again. The main point of the book is starting a business doesn’t have to be expensive. There’s some practical advice for finding ideas that can make money and getting them started without much initial investment. Most of the book is spent on examples of people who have built successful businesses this way which are interesting to read even if I won’t put any of it into practice.
The 12 Week YearThis book sounded promising. The basic premise is increasing productivity by reframing a year as 12 weeks. Setting goals in a yearlong span can make it too easy to think you have so much time and you end up with a strong push at the end of the year to meet goals. A shorter timeframe for gives you that deadline to push for and helps you set goals and timing in shorter, more manageable groups. Then they go on to talk about the usual things in productivity: having a vision, measuring progress, and relying on discipline instead of motivation.
I haven’t DNF’d a book in a very long time but I had to here. The writing style was too “self-help” for my taste and there was too much telling the reader how great and groundbreaking this method is without any evidence of actual success. I gave up about halfway through.
The City of DuskThe City of Dusk is the first book in a fantasy trilogy with an interesting combination of magic systems and good characters. In a world where four houses of the descendents of four gods are vying for the favor of an heirless king, the heirs of each house are trying to save their dying world. I really enjoyed this one, although some parts of the writing were frustrating, namely some cursing just for the sake of cursing. I’m looking forward to the second book of the trilogy coming out in August.
The Crimson VaultThe Crimson Vault continues the trilogy from House of Blades. There’s an immediately noticeable improvement in the writing from the first book, which pulled me into the world. The story continues directly from the events of the first book and sets up a much larger struggle than the characters initially realized they were involved in. It’s ambiguous who’s in the right in this conflict, which I enjoyed. The characters improve a ton from the first book, which made it much easier to root for them. I found the pacing of the book odd, because there were spots in the middle of the story that felt like they could be the end of the book. I almost think it would’ve been better if most of the content of the first book was condensed into this one and the cutoffs for the three books were in different places.
The Fault in Our StarsDespite being in middle and high school when most of John Green’s books came out, I’ve never read any of them. After seeing how interesting he is as a person on social media, I wanted to try his writing out so I started with The Fault in Our Stars.
This book hurts. It’s about kids with cancer, so you know it’s going to hurt going in, but it still hurts. It’s vaguely philosophical, but in the kind of outlandish way teenagers think. The story is a beautiful attempt to distill the experience of being in love into a few months of extremely difficult life experience. Reading this is painful, but it’s a good kind of pain.
The Hero of AgesThe Hero of Ages is the final book in Mistborn Era 1 and I really enjoyed it. I read the first two books in 2020 and 2021, but never finished the triology. The ending was fantastically written and wrapped the series very well. I missed a ton of foreshadowing, even in the first two books.
The RoadThe Road is a post-apocalyptic story of a father and son travelling in search of a safer place to live. It details their experience along the road through a series of vignettes. The writing style is interesting and difficult to get into. There are no chapter breaks, no quotation marks, and very few dialogue tags, making it somewhat difficult to follow. Once I got used to the style though, his descriptions are incredible. McCarthy is able to impart visceral reactions to the world the characters find themselves living in. There’s a lot to think about in this book, but I was somewhat frustrated with the end. Without spoilers, I’ll say there is a decent chunk of foreshadowing that isn’t satisfied in my opinion. This book is very different from what I normally read, but I liked it.
The Way of KingsThe Way of Kings is the first book in the Stormlight Archive. Knowing it’s the first book in a long series, I was ok with it starting pretty slow. Overall, I enjoyed it but I think it meandered a bit too much and it wasn’t very clear where it was going. It could’ve been shorter. I enjoyed the world and characters and I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
WarbreakerA princess is sent to an enemy kingdom to marry their king in order to fulfill a decades old treaty. She and others are working to prevent a war between the two nations that many consider inevitable. This one was very enjoyable. The magic system was a bit confusing at first, but I ended up enjoying it, and the plot and characters were really interesting.
Writing an Interpreter in GoI bought this in early 2022 after I started a new job working in Go becaues I wanted to read something to try to learn more about writing Go, but didn’t reach much of it until now. I think the book is great. The author implements an interpreter for a programming language from scratch and does a good job of explaining basics of how programming languages work. Each part of the code is tested, which helped me think more about effective unit testing. I hadn’t thought much about programming languages in a while, so I learned a lot. I might have to pick up the second book, which implements a compiler for the same language.
You Deserve a Tech UnionFull review as as standalone post.
It’s difficult to understate how large of an effect this book had on me. It completely changed the way I look at nature, suburban development, and gardening. I’ll post a full review of this one at some point.
Clutter: An Untidy HistoryClutter is a history of cluttered houses spawned by the author’s experience cleaning out her mother’s house. It goes through the beginnings of a societal attachment to stuff, present-day obsession with decluttering and organization, and the environmental impacts of constant consumption. It was pretty good, but I found it somewhat repetitive and not as engaging as I had hoped.
CorsairThis book combines Cussler’s usual nautical theme with modern geopolitics and counterterrorism. It’s interesting how he mixes fictional leaders with fictionalizations of real-life leaders. Descriptions of some of the fictional events in Libya prompted me to read more about real events. I enjoy all of Cussler’s books, but this one seemed better than most.
Designing Your LifeTwo Stanford design professors present a book version of a popular elective class about applying design principles to planning your life and executing that plan. The idea boils down to improving your life by monitoring what things are positive in your life, thinking broadly about possibilities to get you those things, prototyping those plans in a low-stakes manner, and continual progress. The authors present exercises in each chapter to help you execute this process. It was a really interesting read and I think the mindset is helpful even though I doubt I’ll do any of the exercises.
Golden BuddhaThe first of the Oregon Files series has every bit of ridiculous action I’d come to expect from reading some of the later installments. I found some of the mystery difficult to follow, but it was overall a good read.
I'm Glad My Mom DiedJeanette McCurdy’s memior is an excellent and horrifying look at her life with an abusive mother who forced her into acting and supporting their family. It’s really interesting and she narrated the audiobook herself, which I always enjoy.
Pass Your Amateur Radio General Class TestAll the questions for the license exams for FCC amateur radio licenses are public, which makes studying for the tests fairly simple. You can try to learn the information thoroughly or just memorize the answers. Craig’s study guide books take an interesting approach. He says to avoid reading the questions and answers together because there are three wrong answers for every right one. Instead, he goes through descriptions of the concepts using wording similar to the questions and bolds sentences that are an answer to a question. This was a great start since it helped familiarize me with the wording of the correct answers as I was learning.
Raise the Titanic!The only known source of an ultra-rare mineral needed for an ambitious military project is found to have gone down with the Titanic, prompting a search for the wreckage and a massive effort to raise the ship from the sea floor. This book was pretty interesting, although I kept having to remind myself that it was published before the wreck was discovered so many of the details are guesses that didn’t line up with the eventual discovery. The ending didn’t live up to what I expected from the rest of the book.
The Man Who Died TwiceThe sequel to The Thursday Murder Club has the same group of characters in another interesting mystery. I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first one, but it was still good.
The Mediterranean CaperWhen I started this one, it seemed a lot different than most of Clive Cussler’s work that I’d read before. I realized this came from a few things: it was the first of his books I’d read that didn’t have a co-author and it was the first book he published. I don’t remember the famous Dirk Pitt being as much of a self-absorbed chauvinist as he appears in this one, but maybe the character was refined over time or his behavior was more acceptable in 1973.
The Thursday Murder ClubThis book is a fun murder mystery set in a retirement community in England. Told through the perspective of a group of the community residents, Osman perfectly captures the way I’d expect English retirees to talk and act.
Thinking in BetsA professional poker player explains common traps people fall into when making decisions and how thinking of uncertainty and decision making as a betting process can help people make better decisions. I love poker, so this was a great setting for me, but the poker analogies are general enough to be approachable if poker isn’t your thing.
This is How They Tell Me the World EndsFull review as a standalone post