Broken Intuition

A digital garden by Matt Owens

The Order of Time

  • Author: Carlo Rovelli (translated by Erica Segre and Simon Carnell)
  • ISBN: 9780735216129
  • Format: ebook
  • Start: 2024-11-20
  • Finish: 2024-11-27

This book breaks down how what we think of as time, a fundamental thing that flows constantly from past to future, always advancing at the same rate, does not really exist. The language we use to describe time, things like ‘current time’, have no meaning on the scale of the universe. It describes how the nature of uncertainty makes such language inadquate. The final part of the book builds back up an explanation of what we perceive as time - that the events the make up change of low entropy to higher entropy leave behind traces and those traces make up our memory which constitutes our observation of time. It was realy fascinating and mostly over my head, but very enjoyable to read anyway.