Broken Intuition

A digital garden by Matt Owens

The Fated Sky

  • Author: Mary Robinette Kowal
  • ISBN: 978076539849
  • Format: paper
  • Start: 2024-09-17
  • Finish: 2024-09-23

The second Lady Astronaut book is just as good as the first. It takes place several years after the first book and the jump to being fully established in space and reaching toward Mars was enjoyable. There was some good development in the relationships between the characters. Since this is first person, we only get to see information that was sent to the Mars expedition or in the newspaper clippings at the start of each chapter, which was a cool limitation. My only complaint was there was some things that felt rehashed from the first book, mostly Elma meaning well and trying to help, but making things worse.