Broken Intuition

A digital garden by Matt Owens

The Great Gatsby

  • Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • ISBN:
  • Format: ebook
  • Start: 2024-06-16
  • Finish: 2024-06-16

For a while I’ve wanted to re-read books I read in school to see if I got more out of them and this was the first one I picked. I despised this book in high school. I didn’t understand why people liked it. This time, I read it in one day in airports and on planes and I loved it. It’s surprisingly funny at times and I was captured by what terrible people the characters are. It was an interesting experience for me because I really didn’t get it the first time I read the book but found plenty of meaning that was easy to grasp this time around. I think that means I’m getting better at reading critically, which is pretty cool.