Broken Intuition

A digital garden by Matt Owens

2023 Favorite and Least Books


After another year of reading it’s been fun to review my list from 2023 since I had forgotten a few of the books I read. I wanted to highlight my favorite and least favorite books of the year.


My favorite non-fiction of the year was Algorithms of Oppression and it wasn’t even close. There are so many ways to criticize Google and other big tech companies, but the focus on search engines as a vehicle to enforce racism and sexism was fascinating. It’s a great example of the myth of apolitical tech.

Honorable mention: Racing to the Finish

It was really interesting hearing about Dale Jr.’s experiences with concussions and what the treatment looked like for him to get back in the race car.

Excluding The 12 Week Year, which was the only book I DNF’d last year, my least favorite non-fiction was Smarter Faster Better. It started off pretty interesting, but it feel off pretty quickly and I struggled to finish it.


Favorite: Hero of Ages

I loved the conclusion of the first Mistborn trilogy. The payoff of the buildup and foreshadowing through the entire trilogy was fantastic and I’d recommend this to anyone.

Honorable mention: Dune

It was really tough to decide between Dune and Hero of Ages for the top spot. I loved Dune because of how rich the world is and how different it was from anything else I’ve read.

Least favorite: Paper Towns

I enjoyed this enough to read it in one sitting, but soured on it after reading Looking for Alaska because it felt like a worse retelling of Green’s earlier book.